The aim of the Volkier Bentinck massage therapy is to create balance between the upper pole (the head) and the lower pole (abdomen/legs). The lungs and the heart, situated in between these poles, will regain space to enable the person to feel relieved after the massage.
This type of massage is often used for psychological complaints, such as stress, problematic relationships, exhaustion, grieving, a chaotic life, as well as for physical complaints such as pain or sleep disorders.
During a period of massage of 7 to 14 weeks (once a week) the surplus forces of the upper and lower poles are, as it were, being pruned and thus strengthened. This is often experienced as tidying away superfluous ballast and can go together with embarking on new paths of development. The outcome of such a period of treatment is reinforced by repeating it (annually, for example).
Volkier Bentinck